# TiVo Dump
# Copy TiVo programs from a Series3 TiVo
# by Ed Salisbury (ed@edsalisbury.net)
# http://www.edsalisbury.net
# (c)2009 Ed Salisbury, Some Rights Reserved
# External Utilities Required:
# * curl
# * tivodecode
# External Perl Modules Required:
# * Net::TiVo
# * XML::Simple
# * Text::Unidecode;
# Usage:
# tivo_dump
# License:
# Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under Creative Commons
# Attribution ShareAlike 3.0.
# You are free:
# * to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# * to Remix - to adapt the work
# Under the following conditions:
# * Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse
# you or your use of the work).
# * Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a
# compatible license.
# * For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to the
# license's web page (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
# * Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# copyright holder.
# * Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::TiVo;
use XML::Simple;
use utf8;
use Text::Unidecode;
sub fix_chars($);
# User-Configurable Variables
my $HOST = ""; # Hostname/IP of the TiVo
my $MAK = ""; # The Media Access Key of the TiVo
my $VIDEO_DIR = ""; # Where the programs get saved
my $COPY_SUGGESTIONS = 0; # If you want to copy "Suggested" programs, set this to 1
my $USER = "tivo";
my $TMPFILE = "/tmp/$$.xml";
my $PROGRAMS_FILE = "/home/username/.tivo_programs";
# External Utilities
my $CURL = "/usr/bin/curl";
my $TIVODECODE = "/usr/local/bin/tivodecode";
my @PREV;
# Connect to the TiVo
print "Connecting to TiVo at $HOST... ";
my $tivo = Net::TiVo->new(host => $HOST, mac => $MAK);
my @folders = $tivo->folders();
if (@folders)
print "OK\n";
print "FAIL\n";
# Load the file that has the previously saved programs
while ()
push(@PREV, $_);
close (IN);
# Go through each folder on the TiVo
foreach my $folder (@folders)
foreach my $item ($folder->{'xmlref'}{'Item'})
foreach my $video (@$item)
# Only process videos, not folders
if ($video->{'Links'}{'Content'}{'ContentType'} eq "video/x-tivo-raw-tts")
# Choose video type based on the icon
if ($video->{'Links'}{'CustomIcon'} && $video->{'Links'}{'CustomIcon'}{'Url'} eq "urn:tivo:image:suggestion-recording" && !$COPY_SUGGESTIONS)
if ($video->{'Links'}{'CustomIcon'} &&
($video->{'Links'}{'CustomIcon'}{'Url'} eq "urn:tivo:image:in-progress-transfer" ||
$video->{'Links'}{'CustomIcon'}{'Url'} eq "urn:tivo:image:in-progress-recording"))
# Get program and episode titles
my $program_title = $video->{'Details'}{'Title'};
if ($video->{'Details'}{'EpisodeTitle'})
$program_title .= " - " . $video->{'Details'}{'EpisodeTitle'};
# Get Program ID and Video URL
my $video_url = $video->{'Links'}{'Content'}{'Url'};
my $program_id = $video->{'Details'}{'ProgramId'};
if (!$program_id)
# If previously copied, skip
if (grep /^$program_id$/, @PREV)
print "Skipping $program_title.\n";
# get details XML file
print "Getting details for $program_title... ";
my $details_xml = $video->{'Links'}{'TiVoVideoDetails'}{'Url'};
system("$CURL --digest -s -k -u $USER:$MAK -c /tmp/cookies.txt -o $TMPFILE \"$details_xml\"");
if (-f $TMPFILE)
print "OK\nProcessing details file... ";
my $xml = XML::Simple->new();
my $doc = $xml->XMLin($TMPFILE);
my %meta;
my $filepath;
my $filename;
# Get rating and convert to proper form
$meta{'tvRating'} = $doc->{'showing'}{'tvRating'}{'content'};
if ($meta{'tvRating'})
if ($meta{'tvRating'} eq "Y_7") { $meta{'tvRating'} = 'x1'; }
elsif ($meta{'tvRating'} eq "PG") { $meta{'tvRating'} = 'x4'; }
elsif ($meta{'tvRating'} eqfilepath = "$VIDEO_DIR/$series_title";
$filename = "$filepath/$series_title - $episode_number - $episode_title";
elsif ($series_title && $episode_title)
$filepath = "$VIDEO_DIR/$series_title";
$filename = "$filepath/$series_title - $episode_title";
elsif ($title)
$filepath = "$VIDEO_DIR/$title";
$filename = "$filepath/$title";
$filepath = "$VIDEO_DIR";
$filename = "$filepath/Unknown";
print "OK\n";
unless (-d $filepath)
print "Path $filepath doesn't exist, creating... ";
if (-d $filepath)
print "OK\n";
print "FAIL\n";
# Get the video with curl
print "Getting video... ";
system("$CURL --digest -s -k -u $USER:$MAK -c /tmp/cookies.txt -o \"$filename.tivo\" \"$video_url\"");
if (-f "$filename.tivo")
my $filesize = (stat("$filename.tivo"))[7];
if ($filesize > 0)
print "OK\n";
# Convert to MPG
print "Converting video to MPG format... ";
system("$TIVODECODE -m $MAK -o \"$filename.mpg\" \"$filename.tivo\" > /dev/null 2>&1");
if (-f "$filename.mpg")
print "OK\n";
unlink "$filename.tivo";
open(OUT, ">>$PROGRAMS_FILE");
print OUT "$program_id\n";
print "FAIL\n";
# Output metadata file
print "Outputting metadata... ";
open (OUT, ">$filename.mpg.txt");
foreach my $key (keys %meta)
if ($meta{$key})
if ($meta{$key} =~ /^ARRAY/)
foreach my $item (@{$meta{$key}})
unless ($item =~ /^HASH/)
print OUT "$key : " . fix_chars($item) . "\n";
unless ($item =~ /^HASH/)
if ($key eq "originalAirDate")
print OUT "$key : " . $meta{$key} . "\n";
print OUT "$key : " . fix_chars($meta{$key}) . "\n";
print "OK\n";
print "FAIL\n";
print "FAIL\n";
print "FAIL\n";
# Convert any offending characters
sub fix_chars($)
my ($data) = @_;
$data = unidecode($data);
$data =~ s/\:/ -/g;
$data =~ s/\//-/g;
$data =~ s/\\/-/g;
$data =~ s/\?/-/g;
$data =~ s/\*/-/g;
return $data;
then just add it to your cron
0 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/local/bin/tivo_dump >/dev/null 2>&1
An then your now playing or now playing and suggestions will all be copied to your Linux box every x hours.
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