If your upgrading from 1.4 to 1.8 there a few little snags I ran into :
1. I use dahdichanname=no in my asterisk.conf all this means really is that you to rename your zapata.conf to chan_dahdi.conf
This is not clearly documented.
2. yum remove asterisk14 asterisk14-core asterisk14-addons
3. rm /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* (unless you have moduless you know are 1.8 compatible)
3.yum install asterisk18 asterisk18-core asterisk18-addons
3. tail your /var/log/asterisk/full and see if there are any errors that are causing amportal to not start, but it should start fine.
And your done!
If you run into any issues I will be happy to try and help.
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