According to electronista and canalys the mobile platform that is now the largest is Android, it is hard to see from raw numbers because of the multiple manufacturers. Motorola, HTC,and Samsung are all making their major platform Android, this competitive market space has made for more features, higher quality handsets and rapid innovation that is going to leave closed platforms such as iPhone OS, Blackberry OS, and Web OS scrambling to keep their market share. Windows mobile also benefited from this model and will continue to do so, but WinMo has serious ground to make up because their OS was so lackluster for so long. Also the WinMo platform is not opensource. I dont see it as a threat to Android in the immediate future.
This the Nielsen Company also shows that Android is almost surpassing Apple for the last 6 months as the most ubiquitous operating system for smart phones.
The total subscribers Android is still almost half of iPhone OS but rapidly gaining ground.
(source Nielsen and Techcrunch)